Launch of the "Fossil Flyer"There always seem to be something that makes accessing the best fossil spots hard to get to. Sometimes it's the pitch black water that limits your visability or maybe the snakes or gators. At the Calvert Clliffs of Marylands public access is the big problem. The beach can be legally hunted up to the high tide line but you just have trouble getting onto the beach. You either have to know someone to access from thier property or own a boat. Well I don't know any landowners so I did what I had to do. I bought a boat! There was a little grumbling from NSO ("NotSoObsessed") but a couple of kneeboards to pull behind the boat seemed to fix that.
We set out on our maiden voyage last weekend. We spent most of the time riding and trying out the new boat but did stop at some spots to explore newly accessible areas. At our first stop she found a sweet black 1 3/4" Mako. At the next area I had been finding the normal small teeth when I picked up a odd looking tooth. I had never found one quite like it. I have asked many people and have recieved many answers as to what it is. Most have said possibly a Hemi symphyseal...My first!! Then on the last stop at an area only accessable by boat we both went seperate ways. I soon noticed someone hunting and coming my way. Just then I saw it. A nice root sticking out of the gravel in a few inches of water. As I plucked it out of the water I felt the sharp edges and the size of the blade. It was a huge lower Mako!! It was my biggest Mako of any kind from the bay at 2 13/16". I should have bought that boat sooner!!
| Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
ID | 2879 |
Member | obsessed1 |
Date Added | 6/27/2008 |
The nicer finds of the day |