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Just some odds and ends--

This is the best things from last sundays trip and today. Sunday was pretty pittiful except for the tiny meg. Today was looking really bad I only had 5 teeth in my hand and was actully complaining to my friend about how bad the beach was when I looked in the water and saw the mako about to be swept out. HOLY $#!*

I was hoping it was at least 2.5 but its not. I dont like to bring a ruler with me....I guess its kinda a bad luck omen. But anyway Still an awesome find for the bay.

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added6/21/2008

ground shot of the meg from ...??? umm sunday I think
close up
Swweeett! MAKO from today. It measures just over 2 3/8...I was hoping for 2.5
Really odd metal object I found lying on top of a pile of zone 14... Yea this one puzzles me. Not only as to what the heck it is but what was it doing on top of that fall? Anyone have a clue what it is????

Parotodus Benedeni from Calvert Cliffs?
Parotodus Benedeni from Calvert Cliffs?
waking up lates a B!T(H
waking up lates a B!T(H
relaxing day
relaxing day





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