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World Record Tiger Shark tooth

We've had tons of rain up here in Maryland over the last week or more.  Usually the amount of rain is the result of a Hurricane like Isabel a few years ago.  I don't know the final total, but I think it's at least over 7".  Normally when I go collecting at my favorite beach(s) along the Chesapeake Bay (Calvert Cliffs), at most the water level is a little above the knee at high tide.  If we get some rain, the high tide may even reach the top of the thigh.  Last week, the water level was almost at the top of my chest waders.  What the hecck was I even thinking trying to go collecting - I knew there couldn't possibly be any beach exposures, but I wanted to see if there were any new fresh falls full of the "right stuff".  Well, there weren't any, and I was quite surprised.

I returned a couple days later and wow, someone must have used a giant shop vac and sucked the water out of the Bay.  Actually, it was some high winds that blew it out.  Unfortunately it was the type of low tide that leaves behind more sand than fossils.  When this happens, I resort to sifting with either my 1/4" screen, or 1/8" screen.  usually the 1/4" is the screen of choice so I can find some slightly larger teeth, but not this day.  I had to resort to using the smaller 1/8" mesh.  I started to find some smaller carcharhinus teeth and the occasional fish tooth.  Then I spotted what I thought was a real small posterior carcharhinus tooth.  I plucked it out of the screen and dropped it in my tooth container.  When I got home and washed my material I went looking for this little tooth for closer inspection.  Although you can find a billion carcharhinus teeth, the real posterior teeth are fairly rare for some reason.  Anyhow, upon closer inspection with my loupe I realized that what I had found was a super tiny, posterior tiger shark tooth (Galeocerdo aduncus).  I have found about 10,000 tigers of both common species (Aduncus and Contortus), and have lots of small tigers, including posteriors, but never have I found one this small.  It measures about 6 mm wide, and about 2.5 mm tall. 

When I scanned it I decided to place it next to a "normal" size tiger shark tooth for comparison.  Notice that the length of the tiny tooth is only as long as the serrated shoulder area of the larger tooth.  This tiny tooth may not be a real world record for being the smallest, but it is for my collection.  Anyone else got a small one?


Check out the nice hemi.  It's only 1/2" tall and has perfect serrations.

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added5/19/2008


Alone on the Beach
Alone on the Beach
i dont think i will ever be able to beat this day
i dont think i will ever be able to beat this day
Here a cow, there a cow, everywhere a moo cow...
Here a cow, there a cow, everywhere a moo cow...

cool tooth - 5/28/2008
Reviewer : sharkdentist from
Total Rating : 9
nice tooth Content Quality : 9 of 10

Drool Quotient : 9 of 10

Picture Quality : 9 of 10
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