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Good finds can come in many size

This day did not start out like a normal fossiling day. We were plaining on going but the weather was not the best for taking the boat out but after about 5 hours the wind started to die down and we saw it as i sign to give it a try. When we first got into the water it still didnt look good but i wasnt about to turn around and give up on this trip i had a feeling that it was gonna be good. So we finally beach the boat and get out and start to walk the beach but the waves were so big that there really was only a beach for maybe 3-5 seconds before the next wave would hit. But we did get there at high tide so we knew that the day would only get better. About 20 feet from the boat my father found a broken worn meg, for me it was about 200 yards before i saw anything at all. There was a block that had what i thought was a little tooth in it but when i pulled it out it looked like a half inch squalodon tooth so i put that away and turned around to pick up a meg root behind me, about 10 feet away i found the colorful mako laying up on the beach. As i was heading back to the boat to drop off the load i picked up the largest of the 3 cow shark teeth for the day and set off down to where my father was. As we stood there talking my dad bent down to pick up something in the water but all he picked up was a leaf but as i looked down i saw the root of a meg and picked it up. He laughed and said that is what he was trying to pick up but that crap got in his way. He told me about this place he was at that had the beach covered in stuff and wanted me to come help him look through it, so i said sure and we headed down. On the way down i noticed the layer that i was walking on and always wished to find a meg sticking in the ground but i knew that would never happen. So i saw 2 peices of black stuff sticking out of the layer one was a bone and the other was bone as well but this bone had a tooth sticking to it!!!! So yelled meg!!! and my dad turned around and sure enough it was our first meg over 3 inches and in good shape as well. We went down to the place where my father wanted me to go and he found a little meg on the beach. So for getting that late start on the day it wasnt to bad and i think the little tooth i found is a seal tooth. Thanks to the people that helped with the id.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added3/31/2008

the seal tooth
still in submerged layer
1st complete over 3"

What Happened to Hannah?
What Happened to Hannah?
Hannah fizzled out
Hannah fizzled out
love the smell of coprolite in the morning
love the smell of coprolite in the morning





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