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With low tide at daybreak two people still got there just in front of us. Winds had blown the tide out overnight.The few teeth that could be spotted had to be pried from the frozen mud.Verts were everywhere sticking up from shallow puddles on the flats. I searched for that big tooth ,I knew was waiting for me ,all the while filling my backpack with verts.By the far end of the beach I had found several shark verts ,one croc vert and 32 whale/porp including one in a small matrix block.With the tide blown out we could now access several new sections of beach . On one of these I spotted a perfect tan 1 1/2 "mako several feet past high tide mark.It must have fallen from the cliff above never touching the water.On the way out with the incoming tide thawing out the beach we picked up a few small makos,several hemi ,a cow and a large whale tooth.When cleaning up at home what looked like a small broken tooth turned out to be a 1/4 " mini meg with a tiny nick in the tip.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added3/7/2008


Launch of the "Fossil Flyer"
Launch of the "Fossil Flyer"
mammal jaw!
mammal jaw!
Slow Day
Slow Day





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