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waking up lates a B!T(H

Sunday- January 6, 2008

I woke up at 6 to be down to the beach a little before sunrise…Then went back to bed, woke up at 645 and said, “well lets go”. I got down on the beach and saw 4!!!! People in front of me….This is not a good sign.. What makes matters worse is it was a special kind of low tide. The kind where its low and all the sand has been pulled off the beach. So the journey began with picking up a nice 2 inch long dolphin tooth. I met up with the first couple and they hadn’t found anything. Then I gave the next couple your basic calvert cliffs hello.  “so where’s the 4 incher?”  I was shocked when one of the guys said he found it!  Anyway he pulled out a really nice black upper lateral meg (Im guessing 3-3.25) Looked great! And the other guy had a 1.5 inch meg….Huge disappointment. I was kicking myself for going back to sleep at 6.

I walked all the way to the end and came up empty handed I di pick up a lot of good hemis and a sweet mako at the very end of my walk. Unfortunately no meg for me today  ;(

The cliffs are still falling constantly, I picked up a porpoise vert in one of the multiple falls I saw. And right where the guy found his meg I found a large whale caudal vertebrate

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added1/6/2008

Mako nice hemi, cow fragments, 3 dolphin teeth, Thresher....Thanks to everyone who helped identify the Alopias Grandis)

Yes, it was worth it!
Yes, it was worth it!
Tooth-a-palooza 2008
Tooth-a-palooza 2008
Had to scratch that itch
Had to scratch that itch





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