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The best day I will ever have

After a short stay at one of my favorite beaches where I had no luck except for a inch long upper hemi. I went to another beach a few miles south. Private community so i was hoping even though I was late getting there I would be the first one on the beach. No luck at that I saw footprints walkin the entire beach. I however didnt focus on the beach because the water was extremly low! I was picking up some good size bones and all the sudden.....A sweet 2.5 chubby just laying on the bottom in about 6 inhes of water. I was like man this is awesome. right? well then I took another step or two and to my amazement another meg. heres where I start loosing track of what one came next. Somewhere in the middle was the sweet 3 inch upper that is absolutely perfect. So basicaly after 10 minutes I picked up 6 megs just laying at the bottom under 6-8 inches of water. I was about to have a heart attack. I then proceded to move boulders that were in the area...kicking up the mud with my foot raking up the gravel. Basically working the hell out of the bottom for about 45 minutes. Not a single other tooth for the work but I didnt have a complaint in my body. I walked half way up the beach looking at the footprints in the sand just laughing to myself. I then realized I dont need to be doing this, Im going home. So i went back to the vein i found gave it another 15 minute lookover with out anymore teeth I began to walk off the beach. Ha right there in the surf of the incoming tide a nice 1 7/8 white and brown upper. I then went home and slep with my teeth and went to work.


Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added11/10/2007

3 inch upper. A 2.5 chubby. another 2.5 meg with the cracked tip. Two 2.25. The 1 7/8 found on the beach. And last and least a cracked tip posterior.
Sorry the blury picture of the perfect 3 inch
Updated pic 8/6/09
The 3 inch on the left has a scar on the labial side possibly from another tooth.

Goodies from the Bay
Goodies from the Bay
Land Mammal tooth
Land Mammal tooth





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