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Cow and meg

I decided to try a trip to a different part of the bay.  My normal spot is getting hit so hard it really has been very poor for a couple of months now. 

I broke out the little boat that has been dormant in my garage for a couple of years now.  Had to get a new battery and put some fresh gas in it.  Like my Honda CRV, the Honda outboard fired up like I had ran it yesterday! I like my kayak but traveling by boat is the way to go!

The forecast for a nice NW wind turned out to be a north to north east so the conditions were not perfect, but at a less traveled stretch of beach I was still able to make the trip worthwhile.

I would say the find of the trip was the very nice cow.  Nice root and its in perfect shape.  I did find a 2 1/8" meg that was beat up...but still a meg and always a good thing to find.  A nice, but smaller mako and a porpoise ear bone.  Vertebra and a cool, whole bone from something round out the finds.   One other find that was interesting was what looks to be a super small hammerhead tooth.  You can see it in the tan colored vertebra...its the smallest tooth I have ever found by far.

Good hunting Chris

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added9/13/2007


The drought is over !!  My cup runneth over !!!
The drought is over !! My cup runneth over !!!
damn it feels good to be a digger
damn it feels good to be a digger
Nice little crab
Nice little crab





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