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never hurts to repeat your steaps 5-29-07

The day seemed perfect for a fossil hunt. I headed right my father headed left. Usually by this tiem some local person would be reaching the location that my fatuer and i were at but today no one came(for now). I found a few nice teeth the nicest was a croc. tooth or was it. As i walked in the direction of my dad i picked up some nice makos just uncovered after my dad passed them. Right before i got to my dad a tip off a croc. tooth washed up in front of me, i get to my dad just after that as he starts to run up the beach to get a 1.75in black mak that was way up on the beach. We turned back twoards the boat and had no luck along the way untill i got just past the boat and in a block of matrix i spotted a mako, so i backed up looking around for anything else and 2 blocks over was a much larger mako fully exposed but hard to see from up close. As high tide came in the fossils became more scarce and before you knew it people were coming from all directions, two in a kayak, and 4 walking. We decided to leave and head to willows where we hadnt been in ages. The beach had changed a little but i wasnt expecting to find much becase willows was never one of my best spots. Worn teeth was all i could find just like the old days at willows. Then i took a glance in the water and i couldn't beleive my eyes, a megalodon stuck uner a rock. As i moved the rock and i quickly pulled up the megalodon something was missing..... the whole enamled art of the tooth. Then my dad had the same luck. He finds himself a mako and a snaggletooth both only roots. It was almost high tite so i thought we were heading back in and calling quits. My dad had other plans he heads back to the beach we started at. I was pooped and really didnt feel like doing much, heck we wernt gonna find anything people were all over the beach. This time i headed left, sometimes i do good down this way. The sand was washing away and washed away some sand that was covering up a black looking rock. I thought to my self dont pick it up you only gonna be mad you did, but you never know what you will find. So i went for it......HOLY CRAP in my hand was a beautiful 2 3/8in. megalodon. I almost left it... i went back to my dad who wasnt finding anything and showed him what i found and finally we got out of there. This story aint over yet, that tooth that i thought was a croc. tooth ends up being a sperm whale tooth, I was happy and sad at the same time after i identified the tooth.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added6/2/2007


Whale of a Cow...oops... Whale AND a Cow.
Whale of a Cow...oops... Whale AND a Cow.
Casting off with "USS Fossil"
Casting off with "USS Fossil"
not much around today
not much around today





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