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Its tough to outdo last week

Today I had a tall order to fill if I was going to top last week's find, but like a dedicated ditch warrior, I put on the boots and ratty clothes and went to my first spot. Its a new place just up the road, and it has the possibility to be a good spot with a lot of rain. It rained heavily last night, so I figured the spot was prime. I picked up a bunch of little teeth from the Chandler Bridge piles, but the piles of Ladson Formation were LOUSY. I found a shamer of a meg in one of the ditches, but I had reached the end of the huntable area and but I didn't want to waste too much time there. I called 2th h00ver and met up with him so we could check out some more places on his side of town. We went to a new pond that I knew about, but there weren't any fossils. Not wanting to waste any time, we decided to check the killer Chandler Bridge spot from the past month.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added2/7/2004

This shamer of a megalodon tooth looked so good in the creek! Its the biggest piece of meg I've found at this spot yet.

A day of gems
A day of gems
My best meg I ever found to date
My best meg I ever found to date
A day of gems
A day of gems





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