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More Good Fortune

Again, today as I left work, visions of teeth danced before my eyes. I had no choice but to answer the call, so I quickly prepared myself for an evening in some muddy hole. I couldn't decide where to go, the big ditch or Superpit. I didn't have to think very long, though, because the ditch is pretty busy lately. Lots of people go there now, so its getting hard to find anything. Superpit, however, seemed ripe for collecting. We haven't been there in a while, we've had a ton of rain, and hardly anyone else even knows about the place, and as far as I know, we're the only ones who ever even go there. I loaded up the bike in the truck, stopped and grabbed a candy bar, and was on my way. When I got there, I knew that no one had been there in a while because there was tall grass growing on the road. Plus it was covered with puddles. My anticipation grew as I pedaled harder up and down the muddy hills of the dirt road. By the time I got there, I was beat! I rode tha duDe's bike and his gears are stuck in high gear. My legs were BURNING from the ride, but somehow I found the strength to hunt. I was absolutely right to come here. There were no footprints, there had been fresh digging, lots of rain had fallen on the area, and as a result, there were teeth everywhere. I felt like I was in an amusement park, muddy though it was. I took my time and walked the whole place slowly. The newly dug area had a lot of potential as I saw big bone fragments poking through the mud. I found a shamer there, but nothing complete. My best finds of the day actually came while walking the old area - I saw a root poking out of the ground. I only hoped the blade was attached and complete. As I slowly removed it, I saw a killer orange, serrated blade. Finally, the tip came out, too, and I knew it was going to be a sweet tooth. I really wish I had my camera because it would have made a great picture! It was getting close to dark, so I hurried back across the field when I stumbled upon another good find - a large perfect tiger shark tooth. I was jubiliant about my good fortune, but I was having mixed feelings about the long bike ride back to my truck. You know what finally motivated me to go? I had to get home so I could clean my teeth! The cleaning confirmed my suspicions - the tooth was a fabulous specimen. Be sure to check out the photos.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/14/2003

The most teeth I've found so far at this spot in one trip.

3 5/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth
3 5/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth
1 3/16" Tiger Shark Tooth
1 3/16" Tiger Shark Tooth





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