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The Winds of Change

After a brief but satisfying run to the border, we went back to Superpit so da f0ssZ could see the happy hunting grounds. We only had an hour to dig, so we went at it like men on a mission. We each picked out spots, and in df's first (literally!) shovel-full, was a meg. You could sense his excitement as he excavated it. First, we just saw a root lobe - then another, then the blade. We kept waiting for the defect that makes you go "Awwww!!!", but gladly, it never came. It was df's day to make the ultimate find. It was a fantastic 5" meg complete with tip, serrations, eared root, and bourlette. Its the best we've seen from Superpit yet.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added5/19/2003


BRFC Day at the Cooper
BRFC Day at the Cooper
BRFC Day at the Cooper
BRFC Day at the Cooper
BRFC Day at the Cooper
BRFC Day at the Cooper





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