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In search of another place to hunt

This morning thA duDe and I went out in search of new spots. I got a lead from this guy about a ditch that was recently dredged where another person found a 5” tooth lying out. We were going to go last weekend, but the spot we chose instead turned out to be pretty good. We found the ditch and the spoil piles, but it was not what we had hoped. I had visions of so many megalodon teeth that we couldn’t pick them all up. Instead, we found a few dinky, cruddy little teeth and some fragments of teeth that used to be killers. The layer was not good, and it wasn’t because the ditch wasn’t deep enough. On the contrary, the thing was like 15 feet deep. They even hit the top of the Santee Limestone. There just wasn’t any good stuff there. That’s how it goes, though. We did find another spot out there, though, that has potential. It’s this little natural creek. We didn’t go down into it today, though, because the water was too deep. We didn’t see the tell-tale sign of teeth, but we did see that it had a sandy bottom, and that means that somewhere along this stream, there could be a nice rock bed with teeth piled up. Somehow I doubt it, but the prospector in me will be forced to go back and confirm the presence or absence of fossils.

We decided that we should find some other place to hunt, so we chose some places on my little GIS map and drove around until we found them. One spot we couldn’t reach because the road was too muddy and we would have gotten stuck. But we met a hunter out there who said that the creek was deep and we should definitely avoid it if we were going to wear the puny boots we had on when we talked to him. Gotta go back and check that spot out for sure! It’s really near one of the best land spots of all time that I never got to hunt. Next, we hit some other places on the way back toward where I live. None of them had anything in them, amazingly enough. We even found one freshly dug ditch that wasn’t deep enough. We finally ended up back at the old faithful Big Ditch with sifters primed. We had two hours to kill, and kill them we did. The rewards were miniscule, to say the least. I seldom find anything there worthwhile sifting. We even dug the snot out of some chandler bridge, but both came up empty handed. thA duDe found his first angustidens digging in the Chandler, but he was foiled millions of years ago when the shark broke the tooth before it was lost. We met a guy out there, though, who reminded me of a spot that I have been meaning to hit for years now. I just keep forgetting. REMIND ME! In two weeks, unless something better comes up, that’s where we’re going. Next week, though, it’s back to Candyland. da f0ssZ and t$ are planning on helping with the imminent bonanza tooth harvest.

Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added11/23/2002


1/2" Hammerhead shark tooth
1/2" Hammerhead shark tooth
9/16" Extinct Tiger Shark Tooth
9/16" Extinct Tiger Shark Tooth





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