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No encore

Almost the whole gang was down today for the Columbus day dig - T-moNey, da f0ssZ, thA duDe, and I went to the ditch in hopes of some lower water finds. If not, we would dig the chandler. We met f0ssZ there, and by the time we arrived, he had already scored 2 nice angustidens doing the patented f0ssZ shovel sift. We went our own way and immediately started on the CB. I bounced from spot to spot, favoring those places where the Wando sat right on top of the CB layer. There were plenty of spots blown out by the latest rain storm so I was busy for quite a while. I worked my way up the ditch a ways, finally settling on a spot about 25 feet from where we parked. The layer was pretty nice and I found that thrashed up meg in the first picture. I knew there had to be more and I quickly expanded my area. Trouble was that it was under about 4 feet of sand that had collapsed from the surface. No problem, I work out. After some intense rinsing and digging, I moved either to the left, which was under about 5 feet of sand and trash, or to the right, which was simply under a collapsed tree. Why should anything be easy? I chose the tree. I worked on it for 30 minutes until I could break it loose and pull it elsewhere. And for all that work, no reward. There was nothing under it. I hate ripping out stumps with no payoff. And I didn't even have the devastator. Contrary to my Eagle Scout lessons, I did not come prepared. After that, I was done with the ditch. After it all, I had a couple decent teeth. Nothing to shout for joy about, though. It was only noon and we had 'till three.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added10/14/2002


No encore
No encore





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