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My first dive of 2002

I got kindof a late start this year with the diving. We had a late cold shot that put us off until now. At any rate, my dad got his boat fixed and I bought a new regulator, and we were both ready to try them out. The Boy and thA duDe were also itching to get in the water. No, not because they needed to bathe, its just exciting, you know? Anyway, everything was on schedule and we were in the water. The boat started right up! A miracle! Normally we are sitting at the dock 20 minutes before it runs. We were underway. Then, when we were almost to the spot, the motor starts making this strange noise. OH GREAT! We figured out if you don't go any faster than a golf cart, it did fine. So we putted the rest of the way to the spot. The first dive was pretty lousy. I fanned and fanned, but still didn't find any teeth. thA duDe fared about the same. For the second dive, we headed off to the other edge and tried our luck there. The rocks were much better, but we hit it right at slack tide. That means all the crud that's normally suspended in the water was now lying on the bottom really mucking things up. Vis was about 3 inches at best, but I strained my eyes to pick out the teeth. Believe it or not, but that's when I found my best item of the day - a little arrowhead. Odd, but today there were no good teeth found between the three of us. We normally find at least one. Oh well, maybe next time.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added6/8/2002


1 1/4" Arrowhead
1 1/4" Arrowhead





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