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The Idiot Divers

I normally just post on Fossilgiuy.com, but this was part of RivrDigr fest, so I must post here!

When planning a dive trip to the Galapagos Islands this summer, I noticed on our flight itinerary that one of our layovers when returning home was near the Lowcountry of South Carolina. What Luck! I immediately got our flight stopped at the layover… I didn’t care how we got home; we would be in fossil-lowcountry! I then contacted Ditchweezil about our stay in the Lowcountry. He mentioned we would arrive right in the middle of Rivrdgrfest! Wow! More Luck!  After talking with RivrDigr, he kindly invited us aboard for some blackwater fossil diving!

On the first dive, the current was moderate, so I decided to tie myself off to Amy so she wouldn’t get sucked away.  Unfortunately the rope I used to tie us together was a thin twine. As Amy and I got into the water, the twine wrapped itself all around us, my legs, my arms, my neck… everywhere! Unable to swim, we immediately began to get sucked away still in a tangled web of line. Luckily I grabbed one of the dive lines, and RivrDigr who was still on the boat pulled us to the anchor line where we untangled and descended. How embarrassing! We looked like complete dive idiots. Once we started descending, the surface light disappeared at about 15’ of depth. We turned on our dive lights and realized it did not help at all. Somewhere between 15’ and 30’ we got all tangled up again, kind of like one of Spiderman’s foes. At 30’ we hit the pitch black bottom in a big ball of twine. Our tangled up bodies started crawling against the current feeling around for about an hour. Despite dropping on to a very good spot, with bone everywhere, Amy found nothing. I ended up with a 2” tooth and a 4.25” tooth. We ascended to the surface in front of the boat, and drifted into it, catching a line. I cut myself free of the Spiderman twine and we climbed aboard. RivrDigr ended up finding a broken tooth and a nice whale tooth.

For the second dive, RivrDigr gave me a thicker line to tie Amy to. This worked out MUCH better, there would be no more Spiderman webbing around us. For the second dive, the current picked up a bit. We jumped in and Amy immediately got swept away behind the boat. I gripped onto a rope to try and get us to the anchor line, but I could not pull the both of us. I decided just to let go and crash-land on the pitch black bottom, I went to turn on my dive light to realize it was still on the boat! After contemplating my situation for a minute, I realized this may be a benefit. I wouldn’t waste any time trying to see in the murk. I could spend more time feeling around the muck, and thus be more productive. It was also pretty cool looking. With no light and pitch black, bioluminescent plankton appeared to be incredibly bright. I felt as though I was in a star wars movie the entire time; little stars of bioluminescence zoomed by at warp speed.

Since we drifted back so far before hitting the bottom, we were out of the bone area. After an hour of crawling foreword and searching, we never did make it into any decent bone area. I ended up finding ¾ of a 5.5” tooth. When we started to surface I was saying to myself  “Please be in front of the boat, please be in front of the boat…” Nope. We surfaced to see the boat about 50 yards behind us. I yelled to Amy, “swim as hard as you can”. We both swam as hard as we could, only to see the boat get further and further away. I then told Amy we may have to swim to shore, and hike it. Luckily, at that moment I saw RivrDigr surface in front of the boat. Surely he would see our plight when he got aboard. A few minutes later, the boat started up and came to our rescue. For a second time, idiot divers we were.

In the end, RivrDigr found a decent whale tooth, and I found a beat up, but complete ~ 4.25” meg tooth. Amy found nothing. It wasn’t the best day diving, but most of us found something. If nothing else, RivDigr must have had a good laugh at us!
Location Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/28/2008

Here are my finds
RivrDigr's Finds
The finds all cleaned up.
My best find of the dive. It has a 4 5/16" slant height. The serrations are worn, and there's a chip in the root.

Diving for Megalodon Teeth in Beaufort SC
Diving for Megalodon Teeth in Beaufort SC
Time to Kill
Time to Kill
3 days of diving for RivrDigrFest07
3 days of diving for RivrDigrFest07

- 7/29/2008
Reviewer : Chris from
Total Rating : 9.667
Nice finds...diving is the way to go! Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 9 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  0 of 1 voters agreed.





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