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3 days of diving for RivrDigrFest07

I was down for 4 days of RivrDigrFest07.  When RivrDigr brings his lovely cruiseship up to SC for a couple weeks of fun and generously invites dopes like myself to join him for a few days.  We spent 1 day on the Cooper while i was down, and the other 3 on a different river that is worse diving conditions, less teeth, but usually better stuff. 

Day 1 - Pain: 

I have a small problem with my octo - if you hit it, it will free-flow.I have never done this in the water before, but it happens on the boat while i am gearing up semi-regularly.  It happened on the boat for RivrDigr and Chuck to see.  To fix it, i have to take it apart. So we go in on the first dive and about 25 minutes in I can hear someone breathing nearby - not ususual.  It was rivrdigr coming ot say 'hi'.  Unfortunately when he reached out to grab my arm, he must have bumped my reg and boom - freeflow.  Yes, there are some internet rumors on various websites about him carrying a hammer and pounding my reg to set it off as sabotage, but I don't believe them.  The effect however, was not good.  I tried to play with it and get it to stop but no dice.  I had to head up before my air ran out. So, there was a quick end to the dive.  Dive 2 started off much better, i hit a beautiful 4"+ lower about 1 minute in - certainly this would be payback for the unfortunate first dive.  I grabbed a few decent teeth, and then snagged what I am pretty sure was my very first giant thresher.   I headed back up after about 90 minutes and broke the surface - checked my gear and headed back to the boat.  When i went ot reach down and grab my goodie bucket - it was gone.  It fell off somewhere between when i surfaced and when i reached the boat.  I went back down in a fruitless search and headed back in complete hopelessness.  What a terrible day.  So...if anyone fines a minnow bucket full of a bunch of teeth - there are really only 2 I want back the rest you can keep free of guilt.

Day 2: I made some equipment adjustments to prevent the sad events of dive 1 the day before - i removed my octo.  I got a few teeth but RivrDigr got the best ones for sure.  I did snag a nice whale tooth, and a pretty nice little posterior.

Dav3: Ditchweezil himself finally made an appearance today.   Considering he assured me he would be there every day I was there, I guess 1 day was about right .  After giving him enough grief (other than this one last shot here), we headed out.  On the first dive I snagged the best tooth of the trip for me about 20 seconds into the dive.  A nice 4.75" upper.  We headed back in for the second and i snagged a nice 3.5" upper as well.

Overall, an awesome trip and it is just great to spend time with some really good guys doing what I love.  I added a few more teeth to the display case too.

Location Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added8/8/2007

The 25 minutes haul of day 1.
Day 2's take
Day 3's take
The best teeth from RivrDigrFest07. All clean and ready for display.

Black Water Fossil Diving in Beaufort, SC
Black Water Fossil Diving in Beaufort, SC





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