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Aurora Fossil Fest 2007

A few years ago, PCS offered a hunt to people that came down to work at the festival. Again this year, PCS was kind enough to extend the offer to us. A great part of this is that while it used to be a few long days and nights of preparation, now there are more workers and it is getting easier to complete the festival prep work.

The hunt began with high hopes of a new area until we found the ramp was a no-go. The old ramp we thought would still lead us into the new area with just a lot more effort (distance). Blackwaterdiver and I headed off hoping to find the path into the new area, but there was none to be found.   However, by noon with a lot of sweat and teamwork, we had a way in. It didn't take long to find my first Chub of the day and I lost track of BWD while I was taking the ground shot. I soon came across M4 though in his endless pursuit of squally's. While chatting with him, just down the hill, I found my first Aurora Croc tooth. I picked up teeth here and there and came across a couple more chubs including one real shamer. I did hear of a couple real nice teeth coming out and was thrilled (or maybe amazed?) that Rostrum-boy from the river again came through with another one in the pit. I am sure he had to think about just leaving it or at least hiding it from BWD and myself on the way out

After a couple of hours in the pounding heat and sun, I kept finding my mind drifting back to the river and how cool it was, so I figured it was time to head back on the hour or so walk back to the bus to prepare for the long drive home. Another fun hunt and successful festival in the books.  Can't wait til fall season again.

Location Beaufort County, North Carolina, USA

Date Added6/4/2007

The take from the Post-festival hunt
Found this just a minute or two after entering the new area.
This one was actually a tough spot - you had to look from the bottom up on a steep hill.
My first aurora Croc

Aurora Fossil Festival/Final PCS Hunt of the Spring
Aurora Fossil Festival/Final PCS Hunt of the Spring





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